Thursday, September 16, 2010

Acceptance, yay!

Two pieces of good news on the writing front!

Firstly, today my story Looking for Adventure appears on the Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers website :-) Go have a read and let me know what you think!

And secondly, I have had a story accepted to Pill Hill Press's 2013: The Aftermath anthology. Yay!It's a post-apocalyptic story called Stepping on the Bones. Quite dark, but since it's set after the end of the world as we know it, that works quite well :-)

Always good to get good news, can't beat the confidence boost of an acceptance!


David Barber said...

Big congrats!! I read your story today (On my phone on my lunch break but for some reason I can't leave comments.) Great story, Jolene, and a fantastic twist on the ending. Well done.

Craig Robert Saunders said...

brilliant! well done.

Joleen said...

Thank you both very much! :-)

Clone said...

Awesome, read it today, short and sweet, but with a delightfully filthy twist.. ;D

Joleen said...

Thank you! Glad the twist got you, hehe!