Wednesday, October 13, 2010

House of Horror Best of 2010!

Earlier this year, I had a story accepted for publication on House of Horror. That story was Mike Patterson, Murderer, and you can read it here.

Mike Patterson, Murderer, is a tale about a man undergoing a mid-life crisis, who kills without compunction as an alternative to what he sees as the more pathetic middle-aged antics of his peers.

The excellent news is, my story has been selected as one of the best pieces on House of Horror in 2010 and therefore features in the anthology! So if you would rather read it in a book than off the screen...

You can order a copy of House of Horror: Best of 2010 on the House of Horror bookshop.

If you do order a copy, please quote my name as I get royalties that way!

Even if you don't order a copy of this book, it's well worth taking a look at the spooky House of Horror website.There are loads of great stories, poems and book reviews to read, and plenty of other anthologies to buy, including Stitched Up! which also features one of my stories, a zombie-tale called White Christmas.

You can also follow the owner and head editor of House of Horror, S.E. Cox, on blogger - for updates on House of Horror including calls for submissions, anthology releases and more news on HoH's plans to seek novel submissions next year, as well as book reviews and interviews. S.E. Cox's blog is here:

Over all 2010 has been a great year so far - I've had quite a few pieces accepted for anthologies now. Can't beat seeing my name in print!


Mistress Rowan said...

That is great, thank you so much! Word of mouth (blogging) is the best form of advertising for us so thank you! And you so deserve to be in those two anthos.Lets just hope you generate some royalties for yourself now :)

David Barber said...

I'll see what I can do. :-)

Not been about of late with work and family time. Hope all is well. thing better than seeing your name in print...seeing your baby for the first time. ;-)

Joleen said...

Thank you for the opportunity, Sam! I hope so too...

Cheers, David, noticed you'd be quiet all right, hope all is well, all grand with me, just a few weeks to go til I see that lil one's face :-) Can't wait!

Mistress Rowan said...

Oh congrats Joleen!! Good luck to you!

Joleen said...

Thank you! :-) I'm really excited now!

Em said...


Katherine Moriarty said...

Ooooo well done :)

Ps, I've nominated you for another award on my blog...check it out :)

Pixie x

Joleen said...

Oh lovely, thank you very much!

The Mother said...

I have to admit, I'm a horror lightweight. Not a fan of nightmares.

But I'll pass this on to my Goth, who both reads and writes the stuff. I'm sure he'll love it.

Joleen said...

Excellent, thank you very much!